Get involved with another fun Specifi event taking place in Birmingham this week for architectural professionals to network. This is one of many Design events taking place across the country and Conrad are pleased to be supporting this series of Free events.
Ashley Johnson and Will Stocks who work from our Birmingham & Leeds offices will be attending on behalf of Conrad to catch up with some familiar faces and to introduce Conrad to those who may not be aware of us or what we do.
These events offer, Food, Wine, Architecture & Design along with a talk from a guest speaker. This talk will be from Alastair Parvin - the Co-founder of Wikihouse on innovations on ways he hopes to revolutionise architecture for the future and make it more citizen-led.
Invitations have been extended to all local architecture & design practices in Birmingham, however if you've not heard about this event and are interested in coming along we urge you to get in touch to get hold of some Free tickets before they sell out.